Museful Captures

(click on picture to see full size)

After driving through an intense downpour, I turned onto a rural road and was treated to this beautiful scene.


“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

– Albert Einstein


“You can’t use up Creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”  

– Maya Angelou


“Creativity blossoms at the crossroads of collaboration”  

– unknown

A Summer tune for you.

(click on the image to see a full version)

A Carolina Wren just belting it out.

After the Rain

Author: Stepako

Open Eyes

“Come to me, come to me, open your eyes, look at yourself with open eyes” Shakyamuni Buddha, The Lotus Sutra In the start of this new year, I am re-engaging with the Creative Spirit, the God of my understanding. My desire is to see clearly – how I relate...

DreaMusing – Replacements

I’m watching my replacement from across the street. They took my place at the Feast. So, now I find myself with the other lost boys. Hanging around the bus stop....

Music Gatherings

I’m excited to finally bring this community project online. I am beginning to produce video and audio recordings of sing-a-long, play-a-long songs that, I hope, will encourage folks to: learn how to play and sing these songs and offer the opportunity to send their video and/or audio recordings to...